Common Challenges but Unique Solutions

“Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by fighting back.”

—Piet Hein

For audacious leaders who need insight into the technical and process realities of enterprise transformation, TransformAction Dynamics offers a forensic approach to transformation planning and execution. Our consultants and tools comb through data to extract relevant and actionable information. Tired of roadmap shelfware? TransformAction Dynamics focuses on the finish. Our consultants guide and support leaders until the transformation is at scale and paying dividends.

Federal Agencies

We deliver the data Agencies need to smartly perform the work that produces successful transformation outcomes. One size does not fit all! Our solutions improve your ability to define, prepare, and execute your transformation projects. By understanding the depth of your challenge and measuring your ability to succeed, we deliver an Agency-unique plan that reduces complexity and increases your speed to productivity.


Businesses navigating profit and loss must survive in an increasingly complex, disruptive, and fast changing economic, social, and technological world. When businesses seek to improve, update, or modernize, our solutions catalyze the ability to increase customer focus, improve agility, and align business goals and processes. Our predictive and prescriptive analytics reveal the latent insights you need to chart an effective transformation journey.

State and Local

Whether ensuring safety, security, citizen well-being, or boosting national competitiveness, we work with municipal leaders to support their public service missions. We adjust the scale of effort, without sacrificing quality of insightful data and the intensity with which solutions are developed and delivered.

Use Cases


Need for Urgent Intervention

A lack of progress is traced to an inability to create executable plans and actions, and a lack of knowledge and expertise to execute them. We recommend the Enterprise Assessment to establish context and to initiate forward momentum. The Enterprise Sprint or Enterprise Journey is the recommended follow up.


Refocus & Strategic Realignment

Personnel, processes, and infrastructure are well-equipped to execute the transformation, but executable plans and actions are lacking. Without a deliberate realignment, the opportunity to garner transformation dividends will pass. We recommend the Enterprise Sprint to build the “prepare-to-transform” roadmap and to align the “what-to-transform” with the “how-to-transform.” The Enterprise Journey is the recommended follow up.

Use Cases


Continuous Improvement & Organizational Excellence

Personnel, processes, infrastructure, plans and actions are in place. The ecosystem can execute the transformation as envisioned. However, outside expertise is required to strategically innovate and improve. We recommend Advisory Services for optimizing pursuit of the transformation dividend.


Deliberate Course Correction

Executable plans and actions have been created, but the personnel, processes, and infrastructure enablers are neither sufficiently skilled nor mature to fully execute the transformation as envisioned. We recommend the Enterprise Journey to build the “prepare-to-transform” roadmap and to align the “how-to-transform” with the “what-to-transform.” Advisory Services is the recommended follow up.